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公開·19名のメンバー Free

You may dispute a bill you think is in error by calling, writing or emailing us. We will not disconnect service for nonpayment of the amount you dispute provided (1) you notify us before the bill becomes delinquent and (2) you pay all other undisputed charges when due. Write us at Customer Communications Services, PAB277, SRP, P.O. Box 52025, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2025; email us at; or call us at (602) 236-8888(602) 236-8888.


Card or digital payments can be made through a third-party vendor. The vendor charges a small transaction fee per charge. Card or digital payments can be made online at or over the phone by calling (602) 236-8888(602) 236-8888 and using our automated system.

Please be aware that medical status does not guarantee service will not be disconnected for an unpaid electric bill and that medical accounts are subject to the same bill payment terms as other residential accounts. Medical Preparedness Program accounts subject to disconnection of service for nonpayment may have a service extender installed to limit the amount of energy provided until past-due balances are paid or other payment arrangements are in place. This program can be combined with the Economy Price Plan if eligibility is met for both. Please contact us at (602) 236-8888(602) 236-8888 to determine eligibility and enroll or visit to see if you qualify.

We can be reached by phone at (602) 236-8888(602) 236-8888, by mail at Customer Communication Services, PAB277, SRP, P.O. Box 52025, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2025, or by email at 041b061a72




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